The application that puts you in control
Snipix App home page
Snipix App home page
The App
How It Works
As a business owner you can create Ads and post to your business page the same way larger social media platforms work. you can also upload advertisement to Bluetooth beacons that can be purchased for organic advertising in store. you can choose the amount of PIXC tokens to apply to the advertisement this will determine how many viewers will view your advertisement.
e.g.100 PIXC = 1000 views
The viewer or customer will earn PIXC to view advertisements by scrolling on their phone or by Bluetooth beacons in stores. They will receive 0.1 PIXC per view and this will accumulate in their wallet in the application. They will have control of what they see and be able to chose the stores that will be seen in their feed. Bluetooth beacons will be used for shoppers to get Tokens while out shopping. They receive ads when close to products been advertised via BLE technology.
Both viewers and Business will be able to use the tokens for in store discounts on products. this allows for the PIXC to have real world value. The Viewer can use their accumulated tokens to get discounts on products with participating business.
e.g. 100 PIXC for 10% off shoes in store.
this will give back to the store owners PIXC to create more advertisements. Cutting out the middle man with a completely recyclable and sustainable system.
The Snipix dream came about when running businesses both online and off and trying to get the best out of social media marketing. We noticed that nearly all of our money went to the middle man and we didn’t get much return for our investment.
We decided that the world needs a better system and business need a fair go to strive in the world today. This is where Snipix comes in.
Our team is a dedicated mix of Marketers, Business owners, Developers, engineers and entrepreneurs. Our priory is to provide a service to make the world become more efficient and sustainable meanwhile helping business to succeed in the current climate.
SNIPIX’s goal is to be efficient in the existing supply-demand chain and enable a fair exchange of value between users and advertisers. We see a future with sustainability by cutting out the big guys and using a system that is recyclable from businesses to customers.
We feel that the people should have a choice in what they want to see and not have millions of ads thrown at us every year.
We are striving to bring the latest in technologies and software to real world uses,
to create convenience, efficiency and cost reduction for ROI.
We see a world where you are in control of your life!
It all sounds great, but what does this App actually do?
The App is designed for businesses to create content and reach organic customers for maximum return on investment
I’ve seen other Apps that serve similar purposes. What makes yours the best?
Snipix cuts out the middle man and reduces cost for businesses. The user will get paid to see ads instead of the middle man.
When will the App be available
The App is in the development stage. we will doing preliminary test this quarter and should have it fully functioning by late 2023